I was named Silvana Merello, born on June 2nd 1966. I have always painted. At the age of six I started attending D’Alessandro’s workshop till I was twelve when I joined the Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires to start my intellectual search for knowledge. To comprehend the miracle of life, I submerged into nature through the formal study of biology... To grasp the physical dimensions of life I needed a deeper understanding, so I pursued a PhD in biochemistry... To find purely materialistic answers to the unpleathomable origins of life, I pursued post grads in business and economy. However, all those disciplines derived no solid answers. One day, I ceased my search for logical, scientific answers and realized that I just had to recognize and perceive them through colors, shapes and intensities. This way, again at an atelier I stopped looking for reasons, and I went back the road to my inner self. Paradoxically, the first meaningful start to arise.... |
SENDAS VIRTUALES por Silvana Merello
Encaminados hacia el exterior abandonamos lo interior. Sin embargo, todo aquello que vemos y vivenciamos en el afuera, sólo nos devuelve el reflejo de lo que llevamos adentro. |
Silencio interno o externo?... Espacio limitado o ilimitado?... Vacío interior o exterior? |